Thursday, November 5, 2015


The very idea of starting a blog when I'm in the middle of writing a novel AND participating in NaNoWriMo is ludicrous...and yet.  Here I am!  Ha!

No one is following me.  No one knows about this at all.  To anyone else, that might make me sound like I'm basically sitting here talking to myself...writing to myself.  But that's pretty much what I do all day, anyway.  I write for myself.

I've seen other authors say these things, so I refuse to feel crazy when I am honest:  I have characters in my head.  When I write, they take over and the story is all about them and how they direct it.  I'm serious.

Writing my first published novel, I sat down and wrote out my outline.  I detailed how they'd meet, what would happen, where the drama would come from, how it would end.  IT.  DIDN'T.  WORK.  THAT.  WAY.

My outline strongly resembles the book, but it certainly didn't do what I expected inasmuch as directing the writing.  I took out entire chapters and reworked them when it just didn't feel right.

Guess what else I have discovered?  Heather - the female main character's best friend - was just a supporting character...until she wasn't.  What SUCKS is that her book should have come first.  But I didn't know that when I wrote Bourne to Love Emma.  So.  I am contemplating making BtLE book 2 in the series even though it was published as book 1.  I have no idea how that will screw up the people who have already read it, though.

Things to contemplate while I finish telling Heather's story!

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